Monday, April 17, 2006

I have been waiting for my Easter pictures to arrive, but since I don't even have my own camera that isn't possible right now! But how could you be mad when I have a picture like this for you!?!?!?!

My cousin Matt is definitely what you call a ladies' Man. He has been known to drink courvoisier and turn on the charm when he needs. But as you can see, Matt has grown up to be the ladies Superman through all those years of intense training. His idol since a young age was none other than the Supertard! Since he found him on mulletsgalore years ago Matt has been powergrinding and powerlunging his way to the top. Matt has only one goal in mind, and that is to break a record no man could attempt to even come close to without bearing the weight of an entire nation on his back. This Superman believes that breaking Wilt Chamberlain's record for doing the grown up with more women in his lifetime will finally bring credibility to his status as the ladies' man and also be something that he can leave behind for all of his family to be proud of. And this is why Matt should be known as the ladies man.

Wassup now Wilt?


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